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This guide provides information about the StudentAccess program at Henderson County Public Library. Links to electronic resources are listed.


Student Access

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Please contact the library if you have questions about using our resources, finding information, or library policies.

Call our Main Library Reference Department with your questions during normal operating hours. (828) 697-4725, option 3.
Or if you prefer, call your local branch.

Email your question using this form. Allow 2 business days for a response.

What is the StudentAccess Program?

The StudentAccess Program is a partnership between Henderson County Public Library, Henderson County Public Schools, Fernleaf Charter School and The Mountain Community School. Through the program, students and teachers at these schools can receive a free account with Henderson County Public Library. Students simply provide their student ID numbers to checkout books and audiobooks at any Henderson County library location. Students can also access databases, eBooks, and digital audiobooks from anywhere, 24/7. See the FAQs below for more details about StudentAccess accounts.


1. What are StudentAccess library accounts?
Free library accounts created for students and teachers at participating schools. Henderson County School parents and guardians must complete an opt-in form for their students to receive an account. 

2. What are the benefits to having one?
Students have access to the library’s books, audiobooks, digital resources, computers, and more.

3. How does this affect my regular Henderson County Public Library card?
It doesn't! All students and teachers with existing HCPL cards will keep those cards and use them as they normally would. The two accounts are not connected and in no way affect one another.

4. What's the barcode number and PIN for my student ID account?
Use your student ID number for the barcode and the last four digits of the student ID number as your PIN.

5. Are there any limitations on StudentAccess accounts?
Students can check out a combination of 10 books or audiobooks at any one time. StudentAccess accounts can be used to request items within the Henderson County library system only.

6. What digital resources do students have access to with these accounts?
Students can access eBooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines, as well as online resources including articles for research, language learning and test prep tools, and homework help. 

7. How do I log in to online resources?
To access online resources users are required to enter their student ID or library card number. If you experience issues with signing in, please contact the library

8. How long are the checkout periods on student accounts?
Three weeks for most items. All check out policies will be the same on these accounts as they would be on regular Henderson County Library cards.

9. What are the overdue fines for items?
No overdue fines will be charged for StudentAccess accounts. The student/parent will be responsible only for lost or damaged items.

10. With these being fine-free accounts, will late fines still be accumulating on their accounts?
No. Even though the items on the account will appear overdue, no fines should be accumulating on the account. However, if an item is lost or damaged the cost of the item will be attached to the student's account. Any account with over $25 in lost items will be barred from checking out materials, but can still access electronic resources.

11. Are students permitted to use library computers with their student account information?
Yes. The student ID number can be used to log in to library computers. Students can also print material from computers. 

12. Do students have access to their accounts online to renew, etc.?
Yes. Students can log in via the Henderson County Public Library website with their student ID number and pin (last 4 digits of the ID number) to view the items checked out on their account, as well as to renew or request items.

13. If students have fines on their regular Henderson County Public Library cards, can they still use their student accounts?
Yes. The two accounts are not connected and in no way affect one another.

14. Can students opt out of the program?
Yes. Fernleaf and Mountain Community School parents or guardians simply need to complete an opt-out form and return it to their school. Henderson County Public School parents and guardians must complete the opt-in form for students to participate.