The American Girl series is written by by various authors the books follow various American girls throughout both historical eras and contemporary settings.
Find this series in Juvenile Fiction under the call number AMR.
My Name Is America is a series of historical novels written in the form of a journal of a fictional young man's life during an important event or time period in American history.
Find this series in Juvinile Fiction under the call number DEA
Dear America is a series of historical fiction novels each book is written in the form of a diary of a young woman's life during important events or time periods in American history.
Find this series in Juvenile Fiction under the call number DEA
Some of history's most fearsome events through the eyes of young heroines who are at the heart of the survival action. Part historical fiction, part adventure story.
Find this series in Juvenile Fiction under the call number GIR
Blending real history with action-packed and hilarious adventure, four very different kids are picked by a mysterious billionaire to travel through time and photograph some of history's most important events.
Find this series in Juvenile Fiction under the call number GUT
Follow Joe, Sam, and Fred as they travel through time and space with the aid of a mysterious object known as "The Book". Fast-paced adventure, comedy, and a touch of magic.
Find this series in Juvenile Fiction under the call number SCI